2024 - Wood ducks and Hooded Mergansers

🦆    2024 Blog  ⬇︎ Live Cameras  ⬇︎ Videos  ⬇︎ Information  ðŸ¦†


2024 Log (also 2019 through 2023)

Web log with pictures and descriptions of the nest activity - updated a once or twice per week during the nesting season, and several times during the days when ducklings are hatching and jumping from the nest box.  You can view the blog here and you can also subscribe to receive new blog postings via email. The online blog covers previous years, if you go back further.

The nesting season is over and all cameras are offline.
They will be back in early 2025!

East Nest Box

The camera looks down through a hole in the roof; it's under the translucent cover in the photo above.

Duckling counts:
      2016: 25w & 17w
      2017: 20w & 16w
      2018: 20w
      2019: 18w
      2020: 12w
      2021: 8w
      2022: 17w & 4w
      2023: 12w
      2024: 16w
      Total: 185w

West Nest Box

The camera looks in from the side; it's in the "back room" that is visible in the photo above.

Duckling counts:
      2016: 16w
      2017: 25w & 14w
      2018: 7w 3h & 9w
      2019: 16w 1h & 9w
      2020: 9w & 16w
      2021: 16w
      2022: 10w
      2023: 9w
      2024: not used
      Total: 156w 4h

South Nest Box

The camera looks down through a hole in the roof. This nest box has attracted Hooded mergansers. New in 2020.

Duckling counts:
      2020: 11h
      2021: 11h
      2022: 2h
      2023: 2h 9w
      2024: 11h 2w
      Total:  37h 11w

w = Wood duck    h = Hooded merganser
x & x = used twice


Do you have questions about the ducks, the nest boxes, the site, the cameras? Here are some answers.


Over the years I've created some videos about the ducks while in the nest and the day when they jump from the nest box and start their first day out in the world.

Old Logs

The logs for 2016, 2017, and 2018 have descriptions of events lots of photos, and links to videos (these are also in the Videos section).

moderator@birdsgv.com - Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA