See below for information about:

  • Email Subscriptions - how you can subscribe to the blog via email.
  • RSS Subscriptions - you also can subscribe to the blog with an RSS app. 
  • Blog Comments - what happens if you add a comment or reply to a blog item.

Email Subscriptions

At the bottom of the blog page (this link will take you there) is a place where you can subscribe to the blog by submitting your email address. If you subscribe then whenever something new is added you will receive an email message. It will include pictures if the posting had some.

• If you subscribe your email address will not be used for anything else. It will only be used to automatically send you whatever is added to the blog.

• Every message you receive will have a link at the bottom that lets you manage your subscription:
    - to receive at most one digest message per day
    - to unsubscribe.

• If you subscribe you will receive a message where you confirm your subscription. It has more information.

RSS Subscriptions

RSS is another way to subscribe that is available at the bottom of the blog page (follow this link to go there). To do this you use an RSS app for your phone or computer - there are many - that is designed to monitor sites that periodically change: news sites and blogs are good examples. It checks for anything new and provides this as a customized and combined stream of news that you can read. The app can monitor any site that is set up to provide an "RSS feed".

Blog Comments

If you want to, you can click a button at the bottom of a post to add a comment about that post, and you also can add a reply to an existing comment. Your comment will be visible to everyone.

In the comment/reply form you will be asked to provide:

Name - please provide your first name and maybe last initial, or other nickname. It's nice to know who's writing. If you leave it empty your comment will be shown as from "anonymous".

Email - you can leave this blank or provide it. It won't be shown in any case, it just provides a way for you to receive an email notifying you about any future responses to your comment, if you want that. - Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA