7+ Wood ducks leaving Sunday AM
It’s hard to count busy ducklings mixed with sleepy ones underneath, but watching the playback I did clearly see at least 7. I also saw the one hooded merganser egg that’s in the nest: it has not hatched (yet).
That’s not many given that she has 22 eggs but is kind of what I expected. As I’ve mentioned, this mom duck hasn’t exhibited the typical incubating skill; perhaps this is her first year. Good news: if any do hatch late and are too weak to go tomorrow morning with the rest, I can take them to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center; they are accepting wild ducklings.
Three cameras are online and I hope you can join the text chat session too. You’ll find that via the cameras page after I activate the chat early on Sunday. (Reload/refresh your screen if you don’t see it.)
Here’s a page about what to expect on Jump Day.
As always, use the “View Live Cameras” button at birdsgv.com to watch.